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Privacy Policy

Please read the following privacy policy to understand how we use and protect the information that you provide to us.


Housing Disrepair Team is committed to protecting the privacy or your personal information and is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), to make transparent our data handling practices and complies with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) effective from May 2018.


Housing Disrepair Team may choose to amend the content of this policy on occasion which will be posted on this website. Please visit this policy on a regular basis to make sure you understand what we do with your information.


Please note that this website and our products and services are not intended for children and we do not proactively collect their personal information. However, we are sometimes given information about children as part of providing advice and setting up products and services. The information in the relevant parts of this notice applies to children as well as adults.


By registering on this site, you consent to the collection, use and transfer of your information under the terms of this policy.


This Privacy Notice has been written to encompass the activity of Housing Disrepair Team that provides the end to end solutions for our Clients. Housing Disrepair Team may also share your data with other 3rd parties.


The full details for the firm are as follows:


Housing Disrepair Team

Registered Office

14 Exchange Quay,

Salford Quays



M5 3EQ



What information do we collect and when?


Records of communications including emails, live chat, and social media communications; records of advice and recommendations. How it is obtained? Records of communications including emails, live chat, and social media communications; records of advice and recommendations.

How is it obtained?

​Records of communications including emails, live chat, and social media communications; records of advice and recommendations.


Information about your device or the software you use e.g. its IP address

​How is it obtained?

​From your use of our website and online services


Details of any health and medical related matters

​How is it obtained?

From you - during advisory discussion over the phone


Copies of documents such as passport, drivers’ licence, utility bills, credit arrangements

​How is it obtained?

​From you - after recommendations are accepted and we set up a plan on your behalf. These are obtained via email or post


Your full name Your postal address Your date of birth Your contact telephone numbers (daytime and evening) Your e-mail address

​How is it obtained?

From you - during advisory discussion over the phone

What do we use your personal data for?

We use your personal data for:

Improving our products and services

Why we use it:

Legitimate interest - to enable us to better understand your circumstances and preferences so we can provide you with the best advice and offer you a tailored service.

We use your personal data for:


Why we use it:

Legitimate Interest - to provide you with information on our products and services to you such as newsletters. Consent - In some circumstances we will ask for consent for marketing purposes e.g. where you have subscribed to or signed up to some of our help initiatives such, or before using your feedback as testimonials or your situation as a case study.

We use your personal data for:

​Financial Crime matters

Why we use it:

Legal requirement - we are required by law to detect, investigate, report, and seek to prevent financial crime.

We use your personal data for:

​Monitoring and recording of telephone calls and email communications where necessary for compliance with regulatory rules or self-regulatory practices or procedures relevant to our business including quality and training purposes and customer satisfaction surveys

Why we use it:

Legitimate interests - to monitor and improve the quality of our products and service offerings (which may involve using your data in quality and performance training) and to ensure we comply with regulatory requirements.

We use your personal data for:

​Record keeping

Why we use it:

Legitimate interests - we need to have a need to retain to comply with regulatory rules and ensuring we are implementing quality checking and compliance processes.

We use your personal data for:

​To verify your identity

Why we use it:

Legal obligations - we have a legal responsibility to carry out checks to ensure we are dealing with you.

We use your personal data for:

​To contact you in connection with any enquiries that you raise

Why we use it:

Legitimate interests - of responding to questions and comments raised when you contact us.

How we may contact you

Unless you state otherwise Housing Disrepair Team may contact you via telephone, email, post, SMS, automated messages, fax and WhatsApp.

How you contact us

If you contact us by telephone using the specified numbers on our website or advertising/marketing correspondence, your call may be recorded for training, quality and regulatory purposes.

If you contact us via email, web chat, WhatsApp or post this information may be held securely by ourselves for training, quality and regulatory purposes.



Do I have a right to withdraw consent?

The majority of our processing of your personal data is not based on consent however, where we do rely on your consent to process personal data, you have the right to withdraw this at any time. You can do this via phone, email or post.



How long will you keep my data for?

We will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary. For example we will normally keep your core data for a period of 6 years from the end of our relationship with you. We may however need to retain some information for a longer period where we need to comply with regulatory, legal, accountancy or reporting requirements. There may be some information however that we do not need to retain for this period of time and we may destroy, delete or anonymize it more promptly.


To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.



How do we keep your data secure?

We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, inappropriately altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.


We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so. We regularly review our information collection, storage and processing practices, including physical security measures.



​Do you share or disclose my personal data with third parties in order to provide your services?

We need to share your data with certain third parties, including third-party service providers and in order to deliver the services and products to assist you.


This includes:


  • Searching the files of external data bureaus in order to verify your identity

  • Where disclosure is made at your request or consent

  • Where it is necessary to administer our relationship with you or where we have another legitimate interest in doing so. 

  • Our third party security partner that provides software programs to support us with access arrangements for your account with us

  • We will disclose your personal data to third parties if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order for us to comply with any laws, regulations or good governance obligations, or in order to enforce or protect our rights, property or safety, or that of our customers or other persons with whom we have a business relationship. These parties will include (without limitation) the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the police, Action Fraud, The National Crime Agency, HMRC, HM Treasury and the Department of Work and Pensions


All comments, queries and requests relating to our use of your information are welcomed and should be addressed to:

The Compliance Manager

Housing Disrepair Team

St James House

8th Floor

Pendleton Way

Manchester, M6 5FW


From May 2018 you will have the following rights:


1. Right to access: the right to request copies of your personal information from us;

2. Right to correct: the right to have your personal information rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete;

3. Right to erase: the right to request that we delete or remove your personal information from our systems;

4. Right to restrict our use of your information: the right to ‘block’ us from using your personal information or limit the way in which we can use it;

5. Right to data portability: the right to request that we move, copy or transfer your personal information;

6. Right to object: the right to object to our use of your personal information including where we use it for our legitimate interests or where we use your personal information to carry out profiling to inform our market research and customer demographics.




We keep our privacy notice under regular review. Any future updates to this privacy notice will be found on this page.


©All rights reserved.

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